A Hug From The Art World presents

Johannes Albers: Big Beautiful House

October 8 – October 31, 2020


(New York, NY — October 6, 2020) — A Hug From The Art World is pleased to present Big Beautiful House, an exhibition by Johannes Albers.

"It is absolutely impossible to express what it means to live in today’s world—a world that is a blinding mystery to me. Every day, every minute, a million-trillion things simply happen. Things are being shaped, connected, deformed, disconnected, and lied about. It is totally inconceivable to build a home in this vast mess. Something to hold on to like a metaphor, an image, or a story. Something to keep, take care of, and hold close. But if I had to—if someone would put a gun to my head—I would put colorful oversized plugs in a space and call it "Big Beautiful House". And even then, after I’ve said it, built it, and looked at it and years will have passed, it will all remain a blinding mystery. Probably."

- Johannes Albers

“Hugs + Plugs = Power” - A Hug From The Art World CEO

“Power = Knowledge” - Michel Foucault

Johannes Albers was born in 1966 in Lingen/Emsland, Germany, and lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Recent solo and group exhibitions include Songs of Nothing, A Hug From The Art World, New York, NY (2019); Lieder des Nichts, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin (2019); and SIMULATION/SKIN | Selected works from the Murderme collection, Newport Street Gallery, London (2017).

The exhibition will be on view from October 8 to October 31, 2020, at 507 West 27th Street in New York. Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and by appointment.

For further information, please email info@ahugfromtheartworld.com.

Website: www.ahugfromtheartworld.com
Instagram: @ahugfromtheartworld