FEBRUARY 15 – 19, 2023
A Hug From The Art World presents Jeffrey Dallesandro (@_unfollowing)
“When I was at Goldsmiths in the late 90’s I had an idea to make artist action figures, born out of my obsession for the superstar generation that came before us. I mean, that’s why I was there, the Damien Hirst generation, the YBA’s. Anyhow, life got in the way, so it never happened.
Fast forward 25 years and Dallesandro found my address and mailed me an action figure of the biggest art dealer in the world, (originally from LA) so I gave it to him as a birthday gift and he loved it and found it very amusing.
A few weeks followed and there were more.
It seemed our paths had crossed for a reason, so I asked Dallesandro if they would be interested in presenting the work at Felix. We had Hockney and it was not lost on me that he painted the pool at the Roosevelt. So, for the last 18 months, Dallesandro has been working hard in collaboration with A Hug From The Art World and we will now present over 50 actions figures, ‘The A - Z of Who’s Who in the Art World’.
From Arnault and Abloh through Duchamp and Manzoni to Ai Weiwei and many more.
We have not quite gotten to Zabludowicz yet, but you will be able to commission one if you pay upfront at the booth. Lead time 1-2 months. “
- A Hug From The Art World, CEO Adam Cohen